Shaw Elementary School

Tampa, FL

The ISC Foundation has adopted Shaw Elementary in the University area of Tampa, FL. Shaw has one of the highest poverty rates of any school in Hillsborough County (98% free lunch). They are under a state mandated improvement plan and the state plans to shut them down if their school grades do not improve. A heroic group of teachers and staff is trying to turn this school around and we are partnering with them to achieve their goal of serving these students.

How has the ISC Foundation partnered with Shaw Elementary?

  • Shaw School Store: The school prioritizes positively rewarding students who engage in responsible, respectful, and safe behaviors. Students who demonstrate these behaviors are allowed to make a bi-monthly trip to the Shaw School store, where they use points they have earned through good behavior to buy items ranging from candy to larger items such as bicycles or hover boards. The ISC Foundation donated $500 to Shaw Elementary to help establish this store.

  • Coffee Bar for Teachers: In order to support and encourage the teachers who are working to save Shaw Elementary, the ISC Foundation sponsored a coffee bar from Mr. Concierge for all teachers at the school on December 14, 2022.

  • Holiday Lunch for Teachers and Staff: Over 110 teachers and staff at Shaw Elementary were served a holiday lunch on December 23, 2022. The lunch was catered by The Deviled Pig (Tampa, FL), and sponsored by The ISC Foundation and Integrated Security Consultants.

The ISC Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that exists to support the supporters. We provide humanitarian assistance and resources to organizations and individuals who serve at-risk and marginalized communities. The ISC Foundation also provides resources and tools for those in marginalized communities to become self-sufficient to provide for themselves and others. Current projects are in Florida, Missouri, the Middle East, and Africa. 100% of all donations go to the cause selected by the donor.


Humanitarian Efforts